Forget Expensive Salon Shampoo: Make This Super Simple Hair Repair Shampoo At Home
Hair has long been held as a standard of beauty and class. Thick and luxurious, mindfully styled has long been a mark of health, power and vitality. As a result people are constantly hunting for methods and treatments to encourage those sexy locks of hair.
You don't have to spend a fortune or hours whiling away in front of a mirror to get your outer beauty to reflect the magnificent person you are inside. There are many solutions that mirror gypsy magic in its methods. Here is a proven way to not only thicken your hair but bring out a show stopping shine.
This concoction can be used everyday with out fear of damage or fatigue. The best part is you can get all the ingredients at a grocery store, if you don't already have them at home.
You will need:
- 750ml plain nettle shampoo
- 2 ampoules vitamin B
- 30ml aqueous solution of AD drops
- 50ml castor oil
- 100ml aqueous solution of panthenol
- 30ml nettle drops
- an empty 1 liter bottle to store it in
Pour it all into the bottle and mix it well. It's a bunch of oil so it will separate with time but the more you can keep it a homogeneous mixture, the better each drop will be for you. To ensure a through mixing method drop a small stone or other little object into the bottle. This little guy will whisk your solution for you.
Apply as you would a normal shampoo. The only difference is maybe leaving it on your head for a couple more minutes giving the solution time to soak into your hair and scalp effectively. You can apply a 'dry mask' if you like, but it isn't necessary.
The ingredients in the shampoo are pretty amazing by themselves. When placed together the effect is amazing. You will start to notice the difference in a week, and within the month your hair will look and feel like 'professionals' having been doubting on you.
High concentrations of ricinoliec acid, pantothenic acid, vitamin B5, vitamine E are some of the active ingredients to soften and strengthen your hair. Nettle oil is amazing at restoring and maintaining a healthy scalp and hair fibers. Nettle naturally stimulates blood flow with increases hair growth and health.