Since ancient times himalayan salt has been known to be the healthiest and purest form of salt in the world, and unlike regular salt it balances the levels of sodium and potassium in your body in order to normalize your blood pressure, Himalayan salt was valued so heavily that it was actually used to pay the soldiers in ancient rome. However, in recent times salt has decreased in popularity, but the powerful healing properties have remained the same. Here are a few different ways to discover the healing ways of himalayan salt...
1. Brighten up your day.
A himalayan salt lamp of the most popular and newest ways to embrace the benefits of the mineral. The lamp works by heating the crystals of salt, which causes negative irons to be released into the air, making it ideal for people suffering from asthma, fatigue, allergies, and depression. Since you can buy these in stores, or online for around 20 dollars, so theres no reason you shouldn't give one a try.
2. Clear your acne.
If you are suffering from problematic acne, or a similar skin condition, a natural himalayan exfoliant could be exactly what you need. Simply mix 100 grams of salt with three liters of water, let it cool for a day, mix it with your favorite essential oils then it's ready for you to use. Now gently massage the mixture into your face, and the salt begin to exfoliate your skin, open your pores, and allow the oils absorb into your skin, leaving it softer, smoother, and healthier than you could imagine.
3. A new kind of soap.
Containing 100% crustal salt, himalayan salt bath soap is incredible for treating skin conditions such as herpes, cellulite, and dry skin. In addition to being used as a body wash it can also be used as a more natural form of deodorant. The first time you use the soap a slight tingling sensation might be experienced, but it is nothing to be worried about. The salt is simply detoxifying you body, and should only last few minutes.
4. Taking a bath has been forever changed.
Bathing is one of the most important things we do throughout the day, and it could be even more healing if you add himalayan salt to the water. Most bathtubs hold between 100 and 120 liters of water, so you need to use about 120 grams of himalayan salt. Once you begin bathing the salt will immediately begin to heal your body. Studies have been done expressing that a 30 minute himalayan salt bath can do wonders for healing irritated skin, bug bites, and various gynecological problems. Additionally, it is important not to use any soap during the bath, dry yourself completely, and take a 30-40 minute rest.