4 Surprising Habits That Slow Down Your Metabolism And Make You Fat
As we progress into our diets for the new year, we owe it to ourselves to find the healthiest and most truthful products that will actually do their intended job in making our body’s healthy and ready for the elements. However, there are some certain things that seem to be healthy but actually are farther from the word than you would think. This article is aimed to help you identify these things in order to avoid slowing down your metabolism.
1. Excessive Cardio
If we stick to the one routine of cardio, we actually defeat the purpose of exercise and performing the variety of other methods of working out. In fact, there are some healthy benefits that cardio cannot give you. This is why it is important to expand your work out to it’s fullest potential with multiple exercise routines.
2. Excessively Eating Raw Vegetables
If you have been lightly steaming your vegetables this can actually render them useless most of the time. Vegetables are a wonderful source of vitamins as well as nutrients, however, raw vegetables contain a high abundance of cellulose which is a fiber that is known to be used in making paperboard and paper. Our body cannot handle the large quantities of this fiber if you constantly pour raw veggies down your throat. This can lead to slowing your digestive system and other health issues.
3. Hydrating Through Only Water
Water is the ultimate source in which you can effectively re-hydrate yourself. However, if you are consuming only water for hydration, it is important to know this:
Our body is a complex system that requires vitamins and nutrients that sometimes you will have to find other beverages that contain the actual source of nutrition that your body desires. Don’t get me wrong, keep hydrating with water, just make sure that you incorporate other healthy beverages into your diet as well.
4. Excessive Sodium Restrictions
It is indeed important to keep an eye on your sodium intake, however, according to The American Heart Association, they recommend 1,500 mg which may be a bit high but is worth it. Sodium is a necessary element in maintaining our metabolic rate, aiding digestion, and lowering our stress hormones.
Hopefully this helps you and your dieting for the future.