Garden Hack: How To Grow 90 Pounds Of Tomatoes From Just 5 Plants
I love growing tomatoes. They’re easily my favorite vegetable, and summer just doesn’t feel like summer without a bunch of delicious tomatoes growing. They’re pretty easy to grow too. But how can you really ramp up the yield from your plants? We’ll break it down for you.
Step 1: Get 7 feet of heavy wire fencing that’s about 6 feet high and 3 feet of small mesh hardware cloth that stands about 30 inches high.
Step 2: Put the hardware cloth into a circle about 11 inches wide and secure it by threading wire over the edges.
Step 3: Sit the circular basket in the middle of a fertilized plot and fill to the brim with compost.
Step 4: Take the larger, 27 inch circle of heavy wire, and place around the center and make sure it is firmly in the soil.
Step 5: Plant your seedlings around the outside of the heavy wire circles.
Step 6: You can water them once a week, by placing a slow running hose on top of the compost basket.
Step 7: As the vines grow, you may want to secure them to the wire with some nylon string.
Step 8: After about 3 months your plant will start to produce fruit, so you can begin your harvesting.
Step 9: Continue to water and refill the compost basket.
Step 10: Enjoy your fresh, home grown tomatoes!
Video instructions: