As we all should know, coconut oil is one of the most amazing, universal products that you could ever have stored around your house. The possibilities that come with having coconut oil are almost endless, ranging from beauty to cooking, coconut oil is the must have product in modern society.
However, do you actually know the full extent as to how far coconut oil really goes? Coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids that are amazing for your body’s overall health, as they are able to cross the blood-brain barrier even in the unbound form without interruption. This means that your brain can use these fatty acids as an energy source.
To get the best out of your coconut oil, you will want to find the virgin, unrefined brand of coconut oil. This version is easily obtainable and provides your body with this list of benefits:
- Antioxidants (reduces free radical damage)
- Improves nutrient absorption (easily digestible, makes fat-based vitamins A, D,E, and K particularly more available to the body)
- Anti-carcinogenic (inhibits cancer cell development and strengthens the immune system)
- Anti-inflammatory
- Anti-microbial (protects against bacteria, viruses, yeast, fungi, protozoa, and parasites)
So, what all can you use coconut oil for?
You can use coconut oil for a soothing after shave that will not clog your pores after use.
If you have liver spots or age spots, you can rub coconut oil onto the area to reduce the appearance of said spots.
Can heal burns very rapidly upon continued use.
Coconut oil can heal bruises very rapidly as well.
Coconut oil is a wonderful moisturizer for your skin, as well as chap stick.
You can make your own deodorant, mixing coconut oil with cornstarch powder, arrowroot, and baking soda.
There’s all kinds of things that you can use coconut oil for, you should give some of these a try or research your own recipes!